Making A Mess (and then cleaning it up)

(This title has nothing to do with this post, but it could have!)

This past week was pretty busy. I didn’t realize how busy until I looked back at photos I took and was sure the events didn’t all happen last week, but they did.

Oh, and it was Thanksgiving! So, we also had a day trip to Jeremy’s family’s in Maryland on Thursday to eat turkey and fish.

I had some much needed friend time with some of my friends and some of Jeremy’s friends. Almost too much social time! I also hosted two airbnb workshops, block printing and shopping in in the LES. Both were enjoyable as my guests were great and I loved doing the shopping experience for the first time!!!

A student and I made pink for her block printing project

A student and I made pink for her block printing project

I also had a Google Hangout with a friend and it was fun. Oh, and I had an advisory board meeting geez it was a busy week!!!!

I also had a Google Hangout with a friend and it was fun. Oh, and I had an advisory board meeting geez it was a busy week!!!!

I also finish a prototype for this new NYC Hanging I’ll be teaching in a new airbnb experience in my Dumbo studio. I already booked two students for this upcoming week!


And I found a vision board I made before I decided to move to NYC and start this crazy chapter of my life. I think it’s pretty accurate. I don’t have a ring yet though ;). We’ll be doing a vision board workshop in NYC soon and in DC in January! Sign up for the January vision board workshop in DC here.


I also worked in my store (Eche Verde) for Black Friday. Three people came inside while I was there. It was very depressing. I hate retail.


But I love shopping! I had an awesome first shopping airbnb experience and I’m pretty sure my guest did too. Sadly, I didn’t get any photos of us together. I always feel weird asking.

Oh, and while at the store I prepped a bunch of plastic bags for a new weaving I’ll be working on soon.


And here’s a picture of a pretty bike stand one of Jeremy’s friends’ friends’ had in his apartment. I was a little jealous of their well-designed house, but I’ll get there.


Ok, I gotta go. I’m tired and forcing myself to just write a studio update!


Magic Moments

Alright, my posts have not been as consistent as I had intended. Sorry. Things have been really busy. Besides the store and running my own business, we also were out of town and had some visitors the past few weeks.

But, that only means many magic moments! NYC magic moments! The weather -- at least some days -- has finally become bearable and some days being outside is marvelous. 

Like today. 

Some highlights of the past few weeks include: dancing in Marchesa Notte gown (snagged it at RTR sample sale) at my boyfriend's friend's wedding, brunch with a friend at Veselka, drinks with many friends at our new favorite neighborhood speak easy, being a Facilitator for the Go Between art project at Essex Street Market, setting up shop at our shop, and working on some giant paper flowers I'm making for our next window install. 

I still have a million things on my to do list, but I'm slowly getting more realistic about what I can actually do in a day. And making time to work out and, some special days, just chill. 

I cannot believe it is almost May. So much has happened this year already, yet it still seems crazy we are almost midway through it! Eeekkekekekek.


Eche Verde.JPG
Eche Verde May Calendar